भारत सरकार | Government of India
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राष्ट्रीय महिला आयोग
National Commission for Women
NCW Website
NCW Applications
New User Registration
Student Login
Staff Login
Registration for Internship with the National Commission for Women
1 आवेदक का पहला नाम / First Name of Applicant ::
2 आवेदक का अंतिम नाम / Last Name of Applicant ::
3 यूजर आईडी (वैध ईमेल आईडी होनी चाहिए) / User ID (should be a valid email id) ::
4 ईमेल आईडी की पुष्टि करें / Confirm Email ID ::
5 पासवर्ड / Password ::
Password must be at least 8 characters. Must contain one Lowercase, one Uppercase, Numeric and Special Character.Valid special characters are @ $ ! % * ? &.
6 पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें / Confirm Passowrd ::
7 Security Code::
All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory
Password must be at least 8 characters. Must contain one Lowercase, one Uppercase, Numeric and Special Character.Valid special characters are @ $ ! % * ? &.